Number Formatting

Supported number formats

There are 4 number formats your can apply to format numeric values of cells:

  1. Common - numbers are displayed as is, with no formatting applied (1415045928)

  2. Number - numbers are displayed with tens, hundreds and thousands separated by specified delimiters (1,415,045,928.00)

  3. Currency - together with the Number format numbers get the currency sign ($1,415,045,928.00)

  4. Percent - together with the Number format numbers get the percent sign (141,504,592,800.00%)

How to set format

Follow the steps below to apply a particular number format to SpreadSheet data via the toolbar:

  • Select a cell or several cells that you want to format.

  • Click the Number format button:

  • Select the format you want to apply among the suggested options:

Last updated